pluckd studio

Pluckd studio is a New York-based school for strings and piano. MIA/HUNTER was approached by former graduates of The Juilliard School and Manhattan School of Music to rebrand their studio. From experiencing the culture of kissing up to the status quo, they wanted to make higher music education approachable and accessible. We were tasked to create
a brand that was bold, modern, and approachable.


Client: Roslyn Huang

Focus: Brand Strategy, Brand Design, UX/UI Design,
Web design, Scheduling Platform

Team: Justin Jackson


The philosophy behind pluckd studio is students, teachers, and community. pluckd studio believes when students and teachers come together to find their unique paths, we can shape ideas and values that create inspiring leaders of the future. When music is taught within a community, it allows students to become the inspiring, value-driven individuals they want to be.


Quartet Health

